
What Makes A Flooring Child-Friendly


Are you looking for child-friendly flooring for your home? NBL Express Premium Resilient Flooring (PRF) and PRF 7.5 commit to features to protect your beloved young ones. Homes are havens for children to live, learn and grow. Beyond its soft lustre and earthy appearance of wood-like finishes, PRF has the properties that protect children and the family.

Sound Insulation

Rubber additives in resilient flooring provide sound absorbance. PRF has an optimal sound-insulating underlayment, in which sound absorption reaches 20 dB (decibel). It absorbs surrounding noises better than typical resilient flooring and insulates sound waves between rooms and storeys. It strongly reduces external noise interference to enhance speech and sound transmission within a child bedroom. Also, a sudden and piercing sound can scare a child. When neighbours do repair or renovation work, the high decibel can be traumatising to the young ones. Likewise, we do not want heavy shifting from home improvements to become an annoyance to neighbours. Hence, it offers a child-friendly environment to rest comfortably or focus on study.

Material Strengths

Learning to balance is a self-experiential and gradual process. Toddlers are prone to slip when the floor is slippery or trip over objects when they explore the house. Though falling is part and parcel of life, we need to minimise the risk with a child-friendly surface. Having a slip-resistant surface with optimal friction helps toddlers gain a foothold, and thus the confidence of walking. PRF’s underlayment provides additional cushioning that is comfortable to step on and provides some protection should toddlers fall. As playful kids explore the house and home items, they may unintentionally stain or damage floor tiles. Typical resilient flooring consists of versatile vinyl material and elastic rubber additives, while PRF further strengthens wear resistance. PRF contains a coating of crystal ceramic beads, known for its long-term durability and resistance against scratch and wear. PRF’s fortification makes it fire retardant with high heat resistance.



Caring for the environment and our loved ones go hand in hand. On its own, vinyl is harmful to the environment as it is not biodegradable. We strictly comply with our green policy and Singapore Green Label to ensure our products and processes are environmentally safe. Investing in eco-quality flooring and educating children about ecology protection contribute to a greener ecology. PRF tiles utilise the German CLIC system of glue-less lamination. With efficient use of resources to minimise toxicity, our floorings are eco-friendly.

PRF has low environmentally harmful substances and has high resistance against termite breeding and mould and bacteria growth. Hence, it is relatively safe for toddlers to crawl on the low toxic floorage. Vinyl contains phthalate, formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds (VOC), which cause respiratory and eye irritations. Besides using lower VOC, PRF adds an eco-fresh layer for abating harmful compounds and inducing quality indoor fresh air. Specialised Green UV treatment greatly enhances PRF’s resistance against stains, bacteria and water. Consequently, as cleaning and maintenance are much easier on PRF surfaces, it is child-friendly.